In-depth Guides

Testing services

To check that your services are working as you intend, you can write tests specifically for them.

Services are often the smoothest files to unit test. Here are some synchronous and asynchronous unit tests of the ValueService written without assistance from Angular testing utilities.


import {LightswitchComponent, MasterService, ValueService, ReversePipe} from './demo';///////// Fakes /////////export class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked service value';}////////////////////////describe('demo (no TestBed):', () => {  // Straight Jasmine testing without Angular's testing support  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      service = new ValueService();    });    it('#getValue should return real value', () => {      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getObservableValue should return value from observable', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable value');        done();      });    });    it('#getPromiseValue should return value from a promise', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('promise value');        done();      });    });  });  // MasterService requires injection of a ValueService  describe('MasterService without Angular testing support', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    it('#getValue should return real value from the real service', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new ValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fakeService', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new FakeValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('faked service value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fake object', () => {      const fake = {getValue: () => 'fake value'};      masterService = new MasterService(fake as ValueService);      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('fake value');    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      // create `getValue` spy on an object representing the ValueService      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      // set the value to return when the `getValue` spy is called.      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('MasterService (no beforeEach)', () => {    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy} = setup();      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });    function setup() {      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      const stubValue = 'stub value';      const masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      return {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy};    }  });  describe('ReversePipe', () => {    let pipe: ReversePipe;    beforeEach(() => {      pipe = new ReversePipe();    });    it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {      expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');    });    it('no change to palindrome: "able was I ere I saw elba"', () => {      const palindrome = 'able was I ere I saw elba';      expect(pipe.transform(palindrome)).toBe(palindrome);    });  });  describe('LightswitchComp', () => {    it('#clicked() should toggle #isOn', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off at first').toBe(false);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('on after click').toBe(true);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off after second click').toBe(false);    });    it('#clicked() should set #message to "is on"', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.message)        .withContext('off at first')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.message).withContext('on after clicked').toMatch(/is on/i);    });  });});

Services with dependencies

Services often depend on other services that Angular injects into the constructor. In many cases, you can create and inject these dependencies by hand while calling the service's constructor.

The MasterService is a simple example:


import {  Component,  ContentChildren,  Directive,  EventEmitter,  HostBinding,  HostListener,  Injectable,  Input,  OnChanges,  OnDestroy,  OnInit,  Optional,  Output,  Pipe,  PipeTransform,  SimpleChanges,} from '@angular/core';import {FormsModule} from '@angular/forms';import {of} from 'rxjs';import {delay} from 'rxjs/operators';import {sharedImports} from '../shared/shared';////////// The App: Services and Components for the tests. //////////////export interface Hero {  name: string;}////////// Services ///////////////@Injectable()export class ValueService {  value = 'real value';  getValue() {    return this.value;  }  setValue(value: string) {    this.value = value;  }  getObservableValue() {    return of('observable value');  }  getPromiseValue() {    return Promise.resolve('promise value');  }  getObservableDelayValue() {    return of('observable delay value').pipe(delay(10));  }}@Injectable()export class MasterService {  constructor(private valueService: ValueService) {}  getValue() {    return this.valueService.getValue();  }}/////////// Pipe /////////////////* * Reverse the input string. */@Pipe({name: 'reverse', standalone: true})export class ReversePipe implements PipeTransform {  transform(s: string) {    let r = '';    for (let i = s.length; i; ) {      r += s[--i];    }    return r;  }}//////////// Components /////////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'bank-account',  template: ` Bank Name: {{ bank }} Account Id: {{ id }} `,})export class BankAccountComponent {  @Input() bank = '';  @Input('account') id = '';  // Removed on 12/02/2016 when ceased public discussion of the `Renderer`. Revive in future?  // constructor(private renderer: Renderer, private el: ElementRef ) {  //   renderer.setElementProperty(el.nativeElement, 'customProperty', true);  // }}/** A component with attributes, styles, classes, and property setting */@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'bank-account-parent',  template: `    <bank-account      bank="RBC"      account="4747"      [style.width.px]="width"      [style.color]="color"      [class.closed]="isClosed"      []="!isClosed"    >    </bank-account>  `,  imports: [BankAccountComponent],})export class BankAccountParentComponent {  width = 200;  color = 'red';  isClosed = true;}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'lightswitch-comp',  template: ` <button type="button" (click)="clicked()">Click me!</button>    <span>{{ message }}</span>`,})export class LightswitchComponent {  isOn = false;  clicked() {    this.isOn = !this.isOn;  }  get message() {    return `The light is ${this.isOn ? 'On' : 'Off'}`;  }}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  template: '<span>Child-1({{text}})</span>',})export class Child1Component {  @Input() text = 'Original';}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-2',  template: '<div>Child-2({{text}})</div>',})export class Child2Component {  @Input() text = '';}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-3',  template: '<div>Child-3({{text}})</div>',})export class Child3Component {  @Input() text = '';}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'input-comp',  template: '<input [(ngModel)]="name">',  imports: [FormsModule],})export class InputComponent {  name = 'John';}/* Prefer this metadata syntax */// @Directive({//   selector: 'input[value]',//   host: {//     '[value]': 'value',//     '(input)': 'valueChange.emit($'//   },//   inputs:  ['value'],//   outputs: ['valueChange']// })// export class InputValueBinderDirective {//   value: any;//   valueChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();// }// As the styleguide recommends@Directive({standalone: true, selector: 'input[value]'})export class InputValueBinderDirective {  @HostBinding() @Input() value: any;  @Output() valueChange: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter();  @HostListener('input', ['$'])  onInput(value: any) {    this.valueChange.emit(value);  }}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'input-value-comp',  template: ` Name: <input [value]="name" /> {{ name }} `,})export class InputValueBinderComponent {  name = 'Sally'; // initial value}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'parent-comp',  imports: [Child1Component],  template: 'Parent(<child-1></child-1>)',})export class ParentComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'io-comp',  template: '<button type="button" class="hero" (click)="click()">Original {{}}</button>',})export class IoComponent {  @Input() hero!: Hero;  @Output() selected = new EventEmitter<Hero>();  click() {    this.selected.emit(this.hero);  }}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'io-parent-comp',  template: `    @if (!selectedHero) {      <p><i>Click to select a hero</i></p>    }    @if (selectedHero) {      <p>The selected hero is {{ }}</p>    }    @for (hero of heroes; track hero) {      <io-comp [hero]="hero" (selected)="onSelect($event)"> </io-comp>    }  `,  imports: [IoComponent, sharedImports],})export class IoParentComponent {  heroes: Hero[] = [{name: 'Bob'}, {name: 'Carol'}, {name: 'Ted'}, {name: 'Alice'}];  selectedHero!: Hero;  onSelect(hero: Hero) {    this.selectedHero = hero;  }}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'my-if-comp',  template: 'MyIf(@if (showMore) {<span>More</span>})',  imports: [sharedImports],})export class MyIfComponent {  showMore = false;}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'my-service-comp',  template: 'injected value: {{valueService.value}}',  providers: [ValueService],})export class TestProvidersComponent {  constructor(public valueService: ValueService) {}}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'my-service-comp',  template: 'injected value: {{valueService.value}}',  viewProviders: [ValueService],})export class TestViewProvidersComponent {  constructor(public valueService: ValueService) {}}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'external-template-comp',  templateUrl: './demo-external-template.html',})export class ExternalTemplateComponent implements OnInit {  serviceValue = '';  constructor(@Optional() private service?: ValueService) {}  ngOnInit() {    if (this.service) {      this.serviceValue = this.service.getValue();    }  }}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'comp-w-ext-comp',  imports: [ExternalTemplateComponent],  template: `    <h3>comp-w-ext-comp</h3>    <external-template-comp></external-template-comp>  `,})export class InnerCompWithExternalTemplateComponent {}@Component({standalone: true, selector: 'needs-content', template: '<ng-content></ng-content>'})export class NeedsContentComponent {  // children with #content local variable  @ContentChildren('content') children: any;}///////// MyIfChildComp ////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'my-if-child-1',  template: ` <h4>MyIfChildComp</h4>    <div>      <label for="child-value"        >Child value: <input id="child-value" [(ngModel)]="childValue" />      </label>    </div>    <p><i>Change log:</i></p>    @for (log of changeLog; track log; let i = $index) {      <div>{{ i + 1 }} - {{ log }}</div>    }`,  imports: [FormsModule, sharedImports],})export class MyIfChildComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges, OnDestroy {  @Input() value = '';  @Output() valueChange = new EventEmitter<string>();  get childValue() {    return this.value;  }  set childValue(v: string) {    if (this.value === v) {      return;    }    this.value = v;    this.valueChange.emit(v);  }  changeLog: string[] = [];  ngOnInitCalled = false;  ngOnChangesCounter = 0;  ngOnDestroyCalled = false;  ngOnInit() {    this.ngOnInitCalled = true;    this.changeLog.push('ngOnInit called');  }  ngOnDestroy() {    this.ngOnDestroyCalled = true;    this.changeLog.push('ngOnDestroy called');  }  ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {    for (const propName in changes) {      this.ngOnChangesCounter += 1;      const prop = changes[propName];      const cur = JSON.stringify(prop.currentValue);      const prev = JSON.stringify(prop.previousValue);      this.changeLog.push(`${propName}: currentValue = ${cur}, previousValue = ${prev}`);    }  }}///////// MyIfParentComp ////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'my-if-parent-comp',  template: `    <h3>MyIfParentComp</h3>    <label for="parent"      >Parent value:      <input id="parent" [(ngModel)]="parentValue" />    </label>    <button type="button" (click)="clicked()">{{ toggleLabel }} Child</button><br />    @if (showChild) {      <div style="margin: 4px; padding: 4px; background-color: aliceblue;">        <my-if-child-1 [(value)]="parentValue"></my-if-child-1>      </div>    }  `,  imports: [FormsModule, MyIfChildComponent, sharedImports],})export class MyIfParentComponent implements OnInit {  ngOnInitCalled = false;  parentValue = 'Hello, World';  showChild = false;  toggleLabel = 'Unknown';  ngOnInit() {    this.ngOnInitCalled = true;    this.clicked();  }  clicked() {    this.showChild = !this.showChild;    this.toggleLabel = this.showChild ? 'Close' : 'Show';  }}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'reverse-pipe-comp',  template: `    <input [(ngModel)]="text" />    <span>{{ text | reverse }}</span>  `,  imports: [ReversePipe, FormsModule],})export class ReversePipeComponent {  text = 'my dog has fleas.';}@Component({  standalone: true,  imports: [NeedsContentComponent],  template: '<div>Replace Me</div>',})export class ShellComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'demo-comp',  template: `    <h1>Specs Demo</h1>    <my-if-parent-comp></my-if-parent-comp>    <hr />    <h3>Input/Output Component</h3>    <io-parent-comp></io-parent-comp>    <hr />    <h3>External Template Component</h3>    <external-template-comp></external-template-comp>    <hr />    <h3>Component With External Template Component</h3>    <comp-w-ext-comp></comp-w-ext-comp>    <hr />    <h3>Reverse Pipe</h3>    <reverse-pipe-comp></reverse-pipe-comp>    <hr />    <h3>InputValueBinder Directive</h3>    <input-value-comp></input-value-comp>    <hr />    <h3>Button Component</h3>    <lightswitch-comp></lightswitch-comp>    <hr />    <h3>Needs Content</h3>    <needs-content #nc>      <child-1 #content text="My"></child-1>      <child-2 #content text="dog"></child-2>      <child-2 text="has"></child-2>      <child-3 #content text="fleas"></child-3>      <div #content>!</div>    </needs-content>  `,  imports: [    Child1Component,    Child2Component,    Child3Component,    ExternalTemplateComponent,    InnerCompWithExternalTemplateComponent,    InputValueBinderComponent,    IoParentComponent,    LightswitchComponent,    NeedsContentComponent,    ReversePipeComponent,    MyIfParentComponent,  ],})export class DemoComponent {}//////// Aggregations ////////////export const demoProviders = [MasterService, ValueService];

MasterService delegates its only method, getValue, to the injected ValueService.

Here are several ways to test it.


import {LightswitchComponent, MasterService, ValueService, ReversePipe} from './demo';///////// Fakes /////////export class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked service value';}////////////////////////describe('demo (no TestBed):', () => {  // Straight Jasmine testing without Angular's testing support  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      service = new ValueService();    });    it('#getValue should return real value', () => {      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getObservableValue should return value from observable', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable value');        done();      });    });    it('#getPromiseValue should return value from a promise', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('promise value');        done();      });    });  });  // MasterService requires injection of a ValueService  describe('MasterService without Angular testing support', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    it('#getValue should return real value from the real service', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new ValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fakeService', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new FakeValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('faked service value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fake object', () => {      const fake = {getValue: () => 'fake value'};      masterService = new MasterService(fake as ValueService);      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('fake value');    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      // create `getValue` spy on an object representing the ValueService      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      // set the value to return when the `getValue` spy is called.      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('MasterService (no beforeEach)', () => {    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy} = setup();      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });    function setup() {      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      const stubValue = 'stub value';      const masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      return {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy};    }  });  describe('ReversePipe', () => {    let pipe: ReversePipe;    beforeEach(() => {      pipe = new ReversePipe();    });    it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {      expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');    });    it('no change to palindrome: "able was I ere I saw elba"', () => {      const palindrome = 'able was I ere I saw elba';      expect(pipe.transform(palindrome)).toBe(palindrome);    });  });  describe('LightswitchComp', () => {    it('#clicked() should toggle #isOn', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off at first').toBe(false);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('on after click').toBe(true);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off after second click').toBe(false);    });    it('#clicked() should set #message to "is on"', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.message)        .withContext('off at first')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.message).withContext('on after clicked').toMatch(/is on/i);    });  });});

The first test creates a ValueService with new and passes it to the MasterService constructor.

However, injecting the real service rarely works well as most dependent services are difficult to create and control.

Instead, mock the dependency, use a dummy value, or create a spy on the pertinent service method.

HELPFUL: Prefer spies as they are usually the best way to mock services.

These standard testing techniques are great for unit testing services in isolation.

However, you almost always inject services into application classes using Angular dependency injection and you should have tests that reflect that usage pattern. Angular testing utilities make it straightforward to investigate how injected services behave.

Testing services with the TestBed

Your application relies on Angular dependency injection (DI) to create services. When a service has a dependent service, DI finds or creates that dependent service. And if that dependent service has its own dependencies, DI finds-or-creates them as well.

As a service consumer, you don't worry about any of this. You don't worry about the order of constructor arguments or how they're created.

As a service tester, you must at least think about the first level of service dependencies but you can let Angular DI do the service creation and deal with constructor argument order when you use the TestBed testing utility to provide and create services.

Angular TestBed

The TestBed is the most important of the Angular testing utilities. The TestBed creates a dynamically-constructed Angular test module that emulates an Angular @NgModule.

The TestBed.configureTestingModule() method takes a metadata object that can have most of the properties of an @NgModule.

To test a service, you set the providers metadata property with an array of the services that you'll test or mock.

app/demo/demo.testbed.spec.ts (provide ValueService in beforeEach)

import {Component, DebugElement, Injectable} from '@angular/core';import {  ComponentFixture,  fakeAsync,  inject,  TestBed,  tick,  waitForAsync,} from '@angular/core/testing';import {FormsModule, NgControl, NgModel} from '@angular/forms';import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser';import {addMatchers, click} from '../../testing';import {  BankAccountComponent,  BankAccountParentComponent,  Child1Component,  Child2Component,  Child3Component,  ExternalTemplateComponent,  InputComponent,  IoComponent,  IoParentComponent,  LightswitchComponent,  MasterService,  MyIfChildComponent,  MyIfComponent,  MyIfParentComponent,  NeedsContentComponent,  ParentComponent,  ReversePipeComponent,  ShellComponent,  TestProvidersComponent,  TestViewProvidersComponent,  ValueService,} from './demo';export class NotProvided extends ValueService {  /* example below */}beforeEach(addMatchers);describe('demo (with TestBed):', () => {  ////////  Service Tests  /////////////  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);    });    it('should use ValueService', () => {      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('can inject a default value when service is not provided', () => {      expect(TestBed.inject(NotProvided, null)).toBeNull();    });    it('test should wait for ValueService.getPromiseValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => expect(value).toBe('promise value'));    }));    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => expect(value).toBe('observable value'));    }));    // Must use done. See    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableDelayValue', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableDelayValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable delay value');        done();      });    });    it('should allow the use of fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      let value: any;      service.getPromiseValue().then((val: any) => (value = val));      tick(); // Trigger JS engine cycle until all promises resolve.      expect(value).toBe('promise value');    }));  });  describe('MasterService', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    let valueServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    beforeEach(() => {      const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        // Provide both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency        providers: [MasterService, {provide: ValueService, useValue: spy}],      });      // Inject both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency      masterService = TestBed.inject(MasterService);      valueServiceSpy = TestBed.inject(ValueService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('use inject within `it`', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    it('should use modified providers', inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {      service.setValue('value modified in beforeEach');      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('value modified in beforeEach');    }));  });  describe('using waitForAsync(inject) within beforeEach', () => {    let serviceValue: string;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    beforeEach(waitForAsync(      inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {        service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => (serviceValue = value));      }),    ));    it('should use asynchronously modified value ... in synchronous test', () => {      expect(serviceValue).toBe('promise value');    });  });  /////////// Component Tests //////////////////  describe('TestBed component tests', () => {    // beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {    //   TestBed.configureTestingModule()    //     // Compile everything in DemoModule    //     .compileComponents();    // }));    it('should create a component with inline template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Child');    });    it('should create a component with external template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExternalTemplateComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('from external template');    });    it('should allow changing members of the component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf()');      fixture.componentInstance.showMore = true;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf(More)');    });    it('should create a nested component bound to inputs/outputs', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const heroes = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.hero'));      expect(heroes.length).withContext('has heroes').toBeGreaterThan(0);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const hero = comp.heroes[0];      click(heroes[0]);      fixture.detectChanges();      const selected = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p'));      expect(selected).toHaveText(;    });    it('can access the instance variable of an `*ngFor` row component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const heroName = comp.heroes[0].name; // first hero's name      fixture.detectChanges();      const ngForRow = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(IoComponent)); // first hero ngForRow      const hero = ngForRow.context.hero; // the hero object passed into the row      expect('ngRow.context.hero').toBe(heroName);      const rowComp = ngForRow.componentInstance;      // jasmine.any is an "instance-of-type" test.      expect(rowComp).withContext('component is IoComp').toEqual(jasmine.any(IoComponent));      expect('component.hero').toBe(heroName);    });    it('should support clicking a button', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LightswitchComponent);      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent)        .withContext('before click')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('after click').toMatch(/is on/i);    });    // ngModel is async so we must wait for it with promise-based `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel)', waitForAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      fixture        .whenStable()        .then(() => {          expect(input.value)            .withContext(              `After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // simulate user entering new name in input          input.value = expectedNewName;          // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately          expect(            .withContext(              ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.          // then wait while ngModel pushes value to          input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));          return fixture.whenStable();        })        .then(() => {          expect(            .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)            .toBe(expectedNewName);        });    }));    // fakeAsync version of ngModel input test enables sync test style    // synchronous `tick` replaces asynchronous promise-base `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel) - fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      tick();      expect(input.value)        .withContext(`After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = expectedNewName;      // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately      expect(        .withContext(          ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,        )        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      expect(        .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)        .toBe(expectedNewName);    }));    it('ReversePipeComp should reverse the input text', fakeAsync(() => {      const inputText = 'the quick brown fox.';      const expectedText = '.xof nworb kciuq eht';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ReversePipeComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = inputText;      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to comp.text      // and Angular updates the output span      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('output span').toBe(expectedText);      expect(comp.text).withContext('component.text').toBe(inputText);    }));    // Use this technique to find attached directives of any kind    it('can examine attached directives and listeners', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));      expect(inputEl.providerTokens).withContext('NgModel directive').toContain(NgModel);      const ngControl = inputEl.injector.get(NgControl);      expect(ngControl).withContext('NgControl directive').toEqual(jasmine.any(NgControl));      expect(inputEl.listeners.length).withContext('several listeners attached').toBeGreaterThan(2);    });    it('BankAccountComponent should set attributes, styles, classes, and properties', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BankAccountParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      // the only child is debugElement of the BankAccount component      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const childComp = el.componentInstance as BankAccountComponent;      expect(childComp).toEqual(jasmine.any(BankAccountComponent));      expect(el.context).withContext('context is the child component').toBe(childComp);      expect(el.attributes['account']).withContext('account attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.attributes['bank']).withContext('bank attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.classes['closed']).withContext('closed class').toBe(true);      expect(el.classes['open']).withContext('open class').toBeFalsy();      expect(el.styles['color']).withContext('color style').toBe(comp.color);      expect(el.styles['width'])        .withContext('width style')        .toBe(comp.width + 'px');      // Removed on 12/02/2016 when ceased public discussion of the `Renderer`. Revive in future?      // expect(['customProperty']).toBe(true, 'customProperty');    });  });  describe('TestBed component overrides:', () => {    it("should override ChildComp's template", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [Child1Component],      })        .overrideComponent(Child1Component, {          set: {template: '<span>Fake</span>'},        })        .createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Fake');    });    it("should override TestProvidersComp's ValueService provider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          remove: {providers: [ValueService]},          add: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},          // Or replace them all (this component has only one provider)          // set:    { providers: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }] },        })        .createComponent(TestProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value', 'text');      // Explore the providerTokens      const tokens = fixture.debugElement.providerTokens;      expect(tokens).withContext('component ctor').toContain(fixture.componentInstance.constructor);      expect(tokens).withContext('TestProvidersComp').toContain(TestProvidersComponent);      expect(tokens).withContext('ValueService').toContain(ValueService);    });    it("should override TestViewProvidersComp's ValueService viewProvider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestViewProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent, {          // remove: { viewProviders: [ValueService]},          // add:    { viewProviders: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }]          // },          // Or replace them all (this component has only one viewProvider)          set: {viewProviders: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value');    });    it("injected provider should not be same as component's provider", () => {      // TestComponent is parent of TestProvidersComponent      @Component({        standalone: true,        template: '<my-service-comp></my-service-comp>',        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })      class TestComponent {}      // 3 levels of ValueService provider: module, TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent],        providers: [ValueService],      })        .overrideComponent(TestComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useValue: {}}]},        })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestComponent);      let testBedProvider!: ValueService;      // `inject` uses TestBed's injector      inject([ValueService], (s: ValueService) => (testBedProvider = s))();      const tcProvider = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ValueService) as ValueService;      const tpcProvider = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(        ValueService,      ) as FakeValueService;      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tc not same providers').not.toBe(tcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tpc not same providers').not.toBe(tpcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider instanceof ValueService)        .withContext('testBedProvider is ValueService')        .toBe(true);      expect(tcProvider)        .withContext('tcProvider is {}')        .toEqual({} as ValueService);      expect(tpcProvider instanceof FakeValueService)        .withContext('tpcProvider is FakeValueService')        .toBe(true);    });    it('can access template local variables as references', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [          ShellComponent,          NeedsContentComponent,          Child1Component,          Child2Component,          Child3Component,        ],      })        .overrideComponent(ShellComponent, {          set: {            selector: 'test-shell',            imports: [NeedsContentComponent, Child1Component, Child2Component, Child3Component],            template: `          <needs-content #nc>            <child-1 #content text="My"></child-1>            <child-2 #content text="dog"></child-2>            <child-2 text="has"></child-2>            <child-3 #content text="fleas"></child-3>            <div #content>!</div>          </needs-content>          `,          },        })        .createComponent(ShellComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      // NeedsContentComp is the child of ShellComp      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const comp = el.componentInstance;      expect(comp.children.toArray().length)        .withContext('three different child components and an ElementRef with #content')        .toBe(4);      expect(el.references['nc']).withContext('#nc reference to component').toBe(comp);      // Filter for DebugElements with a #content reference      const contentRefs = el.queryAll((de) => de.references['content']);      expect(contentRefs.length).withContext('elements w/ a #content reference').toBe(4);    });  });  describe('nested (one-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildComponent]},      });    });    it('ParentComp should use Fake Child component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child)');    });  });  describe('nested (two-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent]},      });    });    it('should use Fake Grandchild component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child(Fake Grandchild))');    });  });  describe('lifecycle hooks w/ MyIfParentComp', () => {    let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyIfParentComponent>;    let parent: MyIfParentComponent;    let child: MyIfChildComponent;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [FormsModule, MyIfChildComponent, MyIfParentComponent],      });      fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfParentComponent);      parent = fixture.componentInstance;    });    it('should instantiate parent component', () => {      expect(parent).withContext('parent component should exist').not.toBeNull();    });    it('parent component OnInit should NOT be called before first detectChanges()', () => {      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(false);    });    it('parent component OnInit should be called after first detectChanges()', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component should exist after OnInit', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child instanceof MyIfChildComponent)        .withContext('should create child')        .toBe(true);    });    it("should have called child component's OnInit ", () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component called OnChanges once', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toBe(1);    });    it('changed parent value flows to child', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      parent.parentValue = 'foo';      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)        .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')        .toBe(2);      expect(child.childValue).withContext('childValue should eq changed parent value').toBe('foo');    });    // must be async test to see child flow to parent    it('changed child value flows to parent', waitForAsync(() => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      child.childValue = 'bar';      return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {        // Wait one JS engine turn!        setTimeout(() => resolve(), 0);      }).then(() => {        fixture.detectChanges();        expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)          .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')          .toBe(2);        expect(parent.parentValue)          .withContext('parentValue should eq changed parent value')          .toBe('bar');      });    }));    it('clicking "Close Child" triggers child OnDestroy', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnDestroyCalled).toBe(true);    });    ////// helpers ///    /**     * Get the MyIfChildComp from parent; fail w/ good message if cannot.     */    function getChild() {      let childDe: DebugElement; // DebugElement that should hold the MyIfChildComp      // The Hard Way: requires detailed knowledge of the parent template      try {        childDe = fixture.debugElement.children[4].children[0];      } catch (err) {        /* we'll report the error */      }      // DebugElement.queryAll: if we wanted all of many instances:      childDe = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      )[0];      // WE'LL USE THIS APPROACH !      // DebugElement.query: find first instance (if any)      childDe = fixture.debugElement.query(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      );      if (childDe && childDe.componentInstance) {        child = childDe.componentInstance;      } else {        fail('Unable to find MyIfChildComp within MyIfParentComp');      }      return child;    }  });});////////// Fakes ///////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  template: 'Fake Child',})class FakeChildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'grandchild-1',  template: 'Fake Grandchild',})class FakeGrandchildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  imports: [FakeGrandchildComponent],  template: 'Fake Child(<grandchild-1></grandchild-1>)',})class FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent {}@Injectable()class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked value';}

Then inject it inside a test by calling TestBed.inject() with the service class as the argument.

HELPFUL: TestBed.get() was deprecated as of Angular version 9. To help minimize breaking changes, Angular introduces a new function called TestBed.inject(), which you should use instead.

import {Component, DebugElement, Injectable} from '@angular/core';import {  ComponentFixture,  fakeAsync,  inject,  TestBed,  tick,  waitForAsync,} from '@angular/core/testing';import {FormsModule, NgControl, NgModel} from '@angular/forms';import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser';import {addMatchers, click} from '../../testing';import {  BankAccountComponent,  BankAccountParentComponent,  Child1Component,  Child2Component,  Child3Component,  ExternalTemplateComponent,  InputComponent,  IoComponent,  IoParentComponent,  LightswitchComponent,  MasterService,  MyIfChildComponent,  MyIfComponent,  MyIfParentComponent,  NeedsContentComponent,  ParentComponent,  ReversePipeComponent,  ShellComponent,  TestProvidersComponent,  TestViewProvidersComponent,  ValueService,} from './demo';export class NotProvided extends ValueService {  /* example below */}beforeEach(addMatchers);describe('demo (with TestBed):', () => {  ////////  Service Tests  /////////////  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);    });    it('should use ValueService', () => {      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('can inject a default value when service is not provided', () => {      expect(TestBed.inject(NotProvided, null)).toBeNull();    });    it('test should wait for ValueService.getPromiseValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => expect(value).toBe('promise value'));    }));    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => expect(value).toBe('observable value'));    }));    // Must use done. See    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableDelayValue', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableDelayValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable delay value');        done();      });    });    it('should allow the use of fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      let value: any;      service.getPromiseValue().then((val: any) => (value = val));      tick(); // Trigger JS engine cycle until all promises resolve.      expect(value).toBe('promise value');    }));  });  describe('MasterService', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    let valueServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    beforeEach(() => {      const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        // Provide both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency        providers: [MasterService, {provide: ValueService, useValue: spy}],      });      // Inject both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency      masterService = TestBed.inject(MasterService);      valueServiceSpy = TestBed.inject(ValueService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('use inject within `it`', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    it('should use modified providers', inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {      service.setValue('value modified in beforeEach');      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('value modified in beforeEach');    }));  });  describe('using waitForAsync(inject) within beforeEach', () => {    let serviceValue: string;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    beforeEach(waitForAsync(      inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {        service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => (serviceValue = value));      }),    ));    it('should use asynchronously modified value ... in synchronous test', () => {      expect(serviceValue).toBe('promise value');    });  });  /////////// Component Tests //////////////////  describe('TestBed component tests', () => {    // beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {    //   TestBed.configureTestingModule()    //     // Compile everything in DemoModule    //     .compileComponents();    // }));    it('should create a component with inline template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Child');    });    it('should create a component with external template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExternalTemplateComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('from external template');    });    it('should allow changing members of the component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf()');      fixture.componentInstance.showMore = true;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf(More)');    });    it('should create a nested component bound to inputs/outputs', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const heroes = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.hero'));      expect(heroes.length).withContext('has heroes').toBeGreaterThan(0);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const hero = comp.heroes[0];      click(heroes[0]);      fixture.detectChanges();      const selected = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p'));      expect(selected).toHaveText(;    });    it('can access the instance variable of an `*ngFor` row component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const heroName = comp.heroes[0].name; // first hero's name      fixture.detectChanges();      const ngForRow = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(IoComponent)); // first hero ngForRow      const hero = ngForRow.context.hero; // the hero object passed into the row      expect('ngRow.context.hero').toBe(heroName);      const rowComp = ngForRow.componentInstance;      // jasmine.any is an "instance-of-type" test.      expect(rowComp).withContext('component is IoComp').toEqual(jasmine.any(IoComponent));      expect('component.hero').toBe(heroName);    });    it('should support clicking a button', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LightswitchComponent);      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent)        .withContext('before click')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('after click').toMatch(/is on/i);    });    // ngModel is async so we must wait for it with promise-based `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel)', waitForAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      fixture        .whenStable()        .then(() => {          expect(input.value)            .withContext(              `After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // simulate user entering new name in input          input.value = expectedNewName;          // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately          expect(            .withContext(              ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.          // then wait while ngModel pushes value to          input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));          return fixture.whenStable();        })        .then(() => {          expect(            .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)            .toBe(expectedNewName);        });    }));    // fakeAsync version of ngModel input test enables sync test style    // synchronous `tick` replaces asynchronous promise-base `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel) - fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      tick();      expect(input.value)        .withContext(`After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = expectedNewName;      // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately      expect(        .withContext(          ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,        )        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      expect(        .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)        .toBe(expectedNewName);    }));    it('ReversePipeComp should reverse the input text', fakeAsync(() => {      const inputText = 'the quick brown fox.';      const expectedText = '.xof nworb kciuq eht';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ReversePipeComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = inputText;      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to comp.text      // and Angular updates the output span      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('output span').toBe(expectedText);      expect(comp.text).withContext('component.text').toBe(inputText);    }));    // Use this technique to find attached directives of any kind    it('can examine attached directives and listeners', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));      expect(inputEl.providerTokens).withContext('NgModel directive').toContain(NgModel);      const ngControl = inputEl.injector.get(NgControl);      expect(ngControl).withContext('NgControl directive').toEqual(jasmine.any(NgControl));      expect(inputEl.listeners.length).withContext('several listeners attached').toBeGreaterThan(2);    });    it('BankAccountComponent should set attributes, styles, classes, and properties', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BankAccountParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      // the only child is debugElement of the BankAccount component      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const childComp = el.componentInstance as BankAccountComponent;      expect(childComp).toEqual(jasmine.any(BankAccountComponent));      expect(el.context).withContext('context is the child component').toBe(childComp);      expect(el.attributes['account']).withContext('account attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.attributes['bank']).withContext('bank attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.classes['closed']).withContext('closed class').toBe(true);      expect(el.classes['open']).withContext('open class').toBeFalsy();      expect(el.styles['color']).withContext('color style').toBe(comp.color);      expect(el.styles['width'])        .withContext('width style')        .toBe(comp.width + 'px');      // Removed on 12/02/2016 when ceased public discussion of the `Renderer`. Revive in future?      // expect(['customProperty']).toBe(true, 'customProperty');    });  });  describe('TestBed component overrides:', () => {    it("should override ChildComp's template", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [Child1Component],      })        .overrideComponent(Child1Component, {          set: {template: '<span>Fake</span>'},        })        .createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Fake');    });    it("should override TestProvidersComp's ValueService provider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          remove: {providers: [ValueService]},          add: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},          // Or replace them all (this component has only one provider)          // set:    { providers: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }] },        })        .createComponent(TestProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value', 'text');      // Explore the providerTokens      const tokens = fixture.debugElement.providerTokens;      expect(tokens).withContext('component ctor').toContain(fixture.componentInstance.constructor);      expect(tokens).withContext('TestProvidersComp').toContain(TestProvidersComponent);      expect(tokens).withContext('ValueService').toContain(ValueService);    });    it("should override TestViewProvidersComp's ValueService viewProvider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestViewProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent, {          // remove: { viewProviders: [ValueService]},          // add:    { viewProviders: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }]          // },          // Or replace them all (this component has only one viewProvider)          set: {viewProviders: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value');    });    it("injected provider should not be same as component's provider", () => {      // TestComponent is parent of TestProvidersComponent      @Component({        standalone: true,        template: '<my-service-comp></my-service-comp>',        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })      class TestComponent {}      // 3 levels of ValueService provider: module, TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent],        providers: [ValueService],      })        .overrideComponent(TestComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useValue: {}}]},        })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestComponent);      let testBedProvider!: ValueService;      // `inject` uses TestBed's injector      inject([ValueService], (s: ValueService) => (testBedProvider = s))();      const tcProvider = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ValueService) as ValueService;      const tpcProvider = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(        ValueService,      ) as FakeValueService;      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tc not same providers').not.toBe(tcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tpc not same providers').not.toBe(tpcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider instanceof ValueService)        .withContext('testBedProvider is ValueService')        .toBe(true);      expect(tcProvider)        .withContext('tcProvider is {}')        .toEqual({} as ValueService);      expect(tpcProvider instanceof FakeValueService)        .withContext('tpcProvider is FakeValueService')        .toBe(true);    });    it('can access template local variables as references', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [          ShellComponent,          NeedsContentComponent,          Child1Component,          Child2Component,          Child3Component,        ],      })        .overrideComponent(ShellComponent, {          set: {            selector: 'test-shell',            imports: [NeedsContentComponent, Child1Component, Child2Component, Child3Component],            template: `          <needs-content #nc>            <child-1 #content text="My"></child-1>            <child-2 #content text="dog"></child-2>            <child-2 text="has"></child-2>            <child-3 #content text="fleas"></child-3>            <div #content>!</div>          </needs-content>          `,          },        })        .createComponent(ShellComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      // NeedsContentComp is the child of ShellComp      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const comp = el.componentInstance;      expect(comp.children.toArray().length)        .withContext('three different child components and an ElementRef with #content')        .toBe(4);      expect(el.references['nc']).withContext('#nc reference to component').toBe(comp);      // Filter for DebugElements with a #content reference      const contentRefs = el.queryAll((de) => de.references['content']);      expect(contentRefs.length).withContext('elements w/ a #content reference').toBe(4);    });  });  describe('nested (one-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildComponent]},      });    });    it('ParentComp should use Fake Child component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child)');    });  });  describe('nested (two-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent]},      });    });    it('should use Fake Grandchild component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child(Fake Grandchild))');    });  });  describe('lifecycle hooks w/ MyIfParentComp', () => {    let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyIfParentComponent>;    let parent: MyIfParentComponent;    let child: MyIfChildComponent;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [FormsModule, MyIfChildComponent, MyIfParentComponent],      });      fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfParentComponent);      parent = fixture.componentInstance;    });    it('should instantiate parent component', () => {      expect(parent).withContext('parent component should exist').not.toBeNull();    });    it('parent component OnInit should NOT be called before first detectChanges()', () => {      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(false);    });    it('parent component OnInit should be called after first detectChanges()', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component should exist after OnInit', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child instanceof MyIfChildComponent)        .withContext('should create child')        .toBe(true);    });    it("should have called child component's OnInit ", () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component called OnChanges once', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toBe(1);    });    it('changed parent value flows to child', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      parent.parentValue = 'foo';      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)        .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')        .toBe(2);      expect(child.childValue).withContext('childValue should eq changed parent value').toBe('foo');    });    // must be async test to see child flow to parent    it('changed child value flows to parent', waitForAsync(() => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      child.childValue = 'bar';      return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {        // Wait one JS engine turn!        setTimeout(() => resolve(), 0);      }).then(() => {        fixture.detectChanges();        expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)          .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')          .toBe(2);        expect(parent.parentValue)          .withContext('parentValue should eq changed parent value')          .toBe('bar');      });    }));    it('clicking "Close Child" triggers child OnDestroy', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnDestroyCalled).toBe(true);    });    ////// helpers ///    /**     * Get the MyIfChildComp from parent; fail w/ good message if cannot.     */    function getChild() {      let childDe: DebugElement; // DebugElement that should hold the MyIfChildComp      // The Hard Way: requires detailed knowledge of the parent template      try {        childDe = fixture.debugElement.children[4].children[0];      } catch (err) {        /* we'll report the error */      }      // DebugElement.queryAll: if we wanted all of many instances:      childDe = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      )[0];      // WE'LL USE THIS APPROACH !      // DebugElement.query: find first instance (if any)      childDe = fixture.debugElement.query(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      );      if (childDe && childDe.componentInstance) {        child = childDe.componentInstance;      } else {        fail('Unable to find MyIfChildComp within MyIfParentComp');      }      return child;    }  });});////////// Fakes ///////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  template: 'Fake Child',})class FakeChildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'grandchild-1',  template: 'Fake Grandchild',})class FakeGrandchildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  imports: [FakeGrandchildComponent],  template: 'Fake Child(<grandchild-1></grandchild-1>)',})class FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent {}@Injectable()class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked value';}

Or inside the beforeEach() if you prefer to inject the service as part of your setup.

import {Component, DebugElement, Injectable} from '@angular/core';import {  ComponentFixture,  fakeAsync,  inject,  TestBed,  tick,  waitForAsync,} from '@angular/core/testing';import {FormsModule, NgControl, NgModel} from '@angular/forms';import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser';import {addMatchers, click} from '../../testing';import {  BankAccountComponent,  BankAccountParentComponent,  Child1Component,  Child2Component,  Child3Component,  ExternalTemplateComponent,  InputComponent,  IoComponent,  IoParentComponent,  LightswitchComponent,  MasterService,  MyIfChildComponent,  MyIfComponent,  MyIfParentComponent,  NeedsContentComponent,  ParentComponent,  ReversePipeComponent,  ShellComponent,  TestProvidersComponent,  TestViewProvidersComponent,  ValueService,} from './demo';export class NotProvided extends ValueService {  /* example below */}beforeEach(addMatchers);describe('demo (with TestBed):', () => {  ////////  Service Tests  /////////////  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);    });    it('should use ValueService', () => {      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('can inject a default value when service is not provided', () => {      expect(TestBed.inject(NotProvided, null)).toBeNull();    });    it('test should wait for ValueService.getPromiseValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => expect(value).toBe('promise value'));    }));    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => expect(value).toBe('observable value'));    }));    // Must use done. See    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableDelayValue', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableDelayValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable delay value');        done();      });    });    it('should allow the use of fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      let value: any;      service.getPromiseValue().then((val: any) => (value = val));      tick(); // Trigger JS engine cycle until all promises resolve.      expect(value).toBe('promise value');    }));  });  describe('MasterService', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    let valueServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    beforeEach(() => {      const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        // Provide both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency        providers: [MasterService, {provide: ValueService, useValue: spy}],      });      // Inject both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency      masterService = TestBed.inject(MasterService);      valueServiceSpy = TestBed.inject(ValueService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('use inject within `it`', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    it('should use modified providers', inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {      service.setValue('value modified in beforeEach');      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('value modified in beforeEach');    }));  });  describe('using waitForAsync(inject) within beforeEach', () => {    let serviceValue: string;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    beforeEach(waitForAsync(      inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {        service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => (serviceValue = value));      }),    ));    it('should use asynchronously modified value ... in synchronous test', () => {      expect(serviceValue).toBe('promise value');    });  });  /////////// Component Tests //////////////////  describe('TestBed component tests', () => {    // beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {    //   TestBed.configureTestingModule()    //     // Compile everything in DemoModule    //     .compileComponents();    // }));    it('should create a component with inline template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Child');    });    it('should create a component with external template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExternalTemplateComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('from external template');    });    it('should allow changing members of the component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf()');      fixture.componentInstance.showMore = true;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf(More)');    });    it('should create a nested component bound to inputs/outputs', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const heroes = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.hero'));      expect(heroes.length).withContext('has heroes').toBeGreaterThan(0);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const hero = comp.heroes[0];      click(heroes[0]);      fixture.detectChanges();      const selected = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p'));      expect(selected).toHaveText(;    });    it('can access the instance variable of an `*ngFor` row component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const heroName = comp.heroes[0].name; // first hero's name      fixture.detectChanges();      const ngForRow = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(IoComponent)); // first hero ngForRow      const hero = ngForRow.context.hero; // the hero object passed into the row      expect('ngRow.context.hero').toBe(heroName);      const rowComp = ngForRow.componentInstance;      // jasmine.any is an "instance-of-type" test.      expect(rowComp).withContext('component is IoComp').toEqual(jasmine.any(IoComponent));      expect('component.hero').toBe(heroName);    });    it('should support clicking a button', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LightswitchComponent);      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent)        .withContext('before click')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('after click').toMatch(/is on/i);    });    // ngModel is async so we must wait for it with promise-based `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel)', waitForAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      fixture        .whenStable()        .then(() => {          expect(input.value)            .withContext(              `After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // simulate user entering new name in input          input.value = expectedNewName;          // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately          expect(            .withContext(              ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.          // then wait while ngModel pushes value to          input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));          return fixture.whenStable();        })        .then(() => {          expect(            .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)            .toBe(expectedNewName);        });    }));    // fakeAsync version of ngModel input test enables sync test style    // synchronous `tick` replaces asynchronous promise-base `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel) - fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      tick();      expect(input.value)        .withContext(`After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = expectedNewName;      // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately      expect(        .withContext(          ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,        )        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      expect(        .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)        .toBe(expectedNewName);    }));    it('ReversePipeComp should reverse the input text', fakeAsync(() => {      const inputText = 'the quick brown fox.';      const expectedText = '.xof nworb kciuq eht';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ReversePipeComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = inputText;      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to comp.text      // and Angular updates the output span      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('output span').toBe(expectedText);      expect(comp.text).withContext('component.text').toBe(inputText);    }));    // Use this technique to find attached directives of any kind    it('can examine attached directives and listeners', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));      expect(inputEl.providerTokens).withContext('NgModel directive').toContain(NgModel);      const ngControl = inputEl.injector.get(NgControl);      expect(ngControl).withContext('NgControl directive').toEqual(jasmine.any(NgControl));      expect(inputEl.listeners.length).withContext('several listeners attached').toBeGreaterThan(2);    });    it('BankAccountComponent should set attributes, styles, classes, and properties', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BankAccountParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      // the only child is debugElement of the BankAccount component      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const childComp = el.componentInstance as BankAccountComponent;      expect(childComp).toEqual(jasmine.any(BankAccountComponent));      expect(el.context).withContext('context is the child component').toBe(childComp);      expect(el.attributes['account']).withContext('account attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.attributes['bank']).withContext('bank attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.classes['closed']).withContext('closed class').toBe(true);      expect(el.classes['open']).withContext('open class').toBeFalsy();      expect(el.styles['color']).withContext('color style').toBe(comp.color);      expect(el.styles['width'])        .withContext('width style')        .toBe(comp.width + 'px');      // Removed on 12/02/2016 when ceased public discussion of the `Renderer`. Revive in future?      // expect(['customProperty']).toBe(true, 'customProperty');    });  });  describe('TestBed component overrides:', () => {    it("should override ChildComp's template", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [Child1Component],      })        .overrideComponent(Child1Component, {          set: {template: '<span>Fake</span>'},        })        .createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Fake');    });    it("should override TestProvidersComp's ValueService provider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          remove: {providers: [ValueService]},          add: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},          // Or replace them all (this component has only one provider)          // set:    { providers: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }] },        })        .createComponent(TestProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value', 'text');      // Explore the providerTokens      const tokens = fixture.debugElement.providerTokens;      expect(tokens).withContext('component ctor').toContain(fixture.componentInstance.constructor);      expect(tokens).withContext('TestProvidersComp').toContain(TestProvidersComponent);      expect(tokens).withContext('ValueService').toContain(ValueService);    });    it("should override TestViewProvidersComp's ValueService viewProvider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestViewProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent, {          // remove: { viewProviders: [ValueService]},          // add:    { viewProviders: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }]          // },          // Or replace them all (this component has only one viewProvider)          set: {viewProviders: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value');    });    it("injected provider should not be same as component's provider", () => {      // TestComponent is parent of TestProvidersComponent      @Component({        standalone: true,        template: '<my-service-comp></my-service-comp>',        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })      class TestComponent {}      // 3 levels of ValueService provider: module, TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent],        providers: [ValueService],      })        .overrideComponent(TestComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useValue: {}}]},        })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestComponent);      let testBedProvider!: ValueService;      // `inject` uses TestBed's injector      inject([ValueService], (s: ValueService) => (testBedProvider = s))();      const tcProvider = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ValueService) as ValueService;      const tpcProvider = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(        ValueService,      ) as FakeValueService;      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tc not same providers').not.toBe(tcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tpc not same providers').not.toBe(tpcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider instanceof ValueService)        .withContext('testBedProvider is ValueService')        .toBe(true);      expect(tcProvider)        .withContext('tcProvider is {}')        .toEqual({} as ValueService);      expect(tpcProvider instanceof FakeValueService)        .withContext('tpcProvider is FakeValueService')        .toBe(true);    });    it('can access template local variables as references', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [          ShellComponent,          NeedsContentComponent,          Child1Component,          Child2Component,          Child3Component,        ],      })        .overrideComponent(ShellComponent, {          set: {            selector: 'test-shell',            imports: [NeedsContentComponent, Child1Component, Child2Component, Child3Component],            template: `          <needs-content #nc>            <child-1 #content text="My"></child-1>            <child-2 #content text="dog"></child-2>            <child-2 text="has"></child-2>            <child-3 #content text="fleas"></child-3>            <div #content>!</div>          </needs-content>          `,          },        })        .createComponent(ShellComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      // NeedsContentComp is the child of ShellComp      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const comp = el.componentInstance;      expect(comp.children.toArray().length)        .withContext('three different child components and an ElementRef with #content')        .toBe(4);      expect(el.references['nc']).withContext('#nc reference to component').toBe(comp);      // Filter for DebugElements with a #content reference      const contentRefs = el.queryAll((de) => de.references['content']);      expect(contentRefs.length).withContext('elements w/ a #content reference').toBe(4);    });  });  describe('nested (one-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildComponent]},      });    });    it('ParentComp should use Fake Child component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child)');    });  });  describe('nested (two-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent]},      });    });    it('should use Fake Grandchild component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child(Fake Grandchild))');    });  });  describe('lifecycle hooks w/ MyIfParentComp', () => {    let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyIfParentComponent>;    let parent: MyIfParentComponent;    let child: MyIfChildComponent;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [FormsModule, MyIfChildComponent, MyIfParentComponent],      });      fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfParentComponent);      parent = fixture.componentInstance;    });    it('should instantiate parent component', () => {      expect(parent).withContext('parent component should exist').not.toBeNull();    });    it('parent component OnInit should NOT be called before first detectChanges()', () => {      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(false);    });    it('parent component OnInit should be called after first detectChanges()', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component should exist after OnInit', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child instanceof MyIfChildComponent)        .withContext('should create child')        .toBe(true);    });    it("should have called child component's OnInit ", () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component called OnChanges once', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toBe(1);    });    it('changed parent value flows to child', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      parent.parentValue = 'foo';      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)        .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')        .toBe(2);      expect(child.childValue).withContext('childValue should eq changed parent value').toBe('foo');    });    // must be async test to see child flow to parent    it('changed child value flows to parent', waitForAsync(() => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      child.childValue = 'bar';      return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {        // Wait one JS engine turn!        setTimeout(() => resolve(), 0);      }).then(() => {        fixture.detectChanges();        expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)          .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')          .toBe(2);        expect(parent.parentValue)          .withContext('parentValue should eq changed parent value')          .toBe('bar');      });    }));    it('clicking "Close Child" triggers child OnDestroy', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnDestroyCalled).toBe(true);    });    ////// helpers ///    /**     * Get the MyIfChildComp from parent; fail w/ good message if cannot.     */    function getChild() {      let childDe: DebugElement; // DebugElement that should hold the MyIfChildComp      // The Hard Way: requires detailed knowledge of the parent template      try {        childDe = fixture.debugElement.children[4].children[0];      } catch (err) {        /* we'll report the error */      }      // DebugElement.queryAll: if we wanted all of many instances:      childDe = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      )[0];      // WE'LL USE THIS APPROACH !      // DebugElement.query: find first instance (if any)      childDe = fixture.debugElement.query(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      );      if (childDe && childDe.componentInstance) {        child = childDe.componentInstance;      } else {        fail('Unable to find MyIfChildComp within MyIfParentComp');      }      return child;    }  });});////////// Fakes ///////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  template: 'Fake Child',})class FakeChildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'grandchild-1',  template: 'Fake Grandchild',})class FakeGrandchildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  imports: [FakeGrandchildComponent],  template: 'Fake Child(<grandchild-1></grandchild-1>)',})class FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent {}@Injectable()class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked value';}

When testing a service with a dependency, provide the mock in the providers array.

In the following example, the mock is a spy object.

import {Component, DebugElement, Injectable} from '@angular/core';import {  ComponentFixture,  fakeAsync,  inject,  TestBed,  tick,  waitForAsync,} from '@angular/core/testing';import {FormsModule, NgControl, NgModel} from '@angular/forms';import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser';import {addMatchers, click} from '../../testing';import {  BankAccountComponent,  BankAccountParentComponent,  Child1Component,  Child2Component,  Child3Component,  ExternalTemplateComponent,  InputComponent,  IoComponent,  IoParentComponent,  LightswitchComponent,  MasterService,  MyIfChildComponent,  MyIfComponent,  MyIfParentComponent,  NeedsContentComponent,  ParentComponent,  ReversePipeComponent,  ShellComponent,  TestProvidersComponent,  TestViewProvidersComponent,  ValueService,} from './demo';export class NotProvided extends ValueService {  /* example below */}beforeEach(addMatchers);describe('demo (with TestBed):', () => {  ////////  Service Tests  /////////////  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);    });    it('should use ValueService', () => {      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('can inject a default value when service is not provided', () => {      expect(TestBed.inject(NotProvided, null)).toBeNull();    });    it('test should wait for ValueService.getPromiseValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => expect(value).toBe('promise value'));    }));    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => expect(value).toBe('observable value'));    }));    // Must use done. See    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableDelayValue', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableDelayValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable delay value');        done();      });    });    it('should allow the use of fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      let value: any;      service.getPromiseValue().then((val: any) => (value = val));      tick(); // Trigger JS engine cycle until all promises resolve.      expect(value).toBe('promise value');    }));  });  describe('MasterService', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    let valueServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    beforeEach(() => {      const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        // Provide both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency        providers: [MasterService, {provide: ValueService, useValue: spy}],      });      // Inject both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency      masterService = TestBed.inject(MasterService);      valueServiceSpy = TestBed.inject(ValueService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('use inject within `it`', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    it('should use modified providers', inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {      service.setValue('value modified in beforeEach');      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('value modified in beforeEach');    }));  });  describe('using waitForAsync(inject) within beforeEach', () => {    let serviceValue: string;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    beforeEach(waitForAsync(      inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {        service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => (serviceValue = value));      }),    ));    it('should use asynchronously modified value ... in synchronous test', () => {      expect(serviceValue).toBe('promise value');    });  });  /////////// Component Tests //////////////////  describe('TestBed component tests', () => {    // beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {    //   TestBed.configureTestingModule()    //     // Compile everything in DemoModule    //     .compileComponents();    // }));    it('should create a component with inline template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Child');    });    it('should create a component with external template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExternalTemplateComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('from external template');    });    it('should allow changing members of the component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf()');      fixture.componentInstance.showMore = true;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf(More)');    });    it('should create a nested component bound to inputs/outputs', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const heroes = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.hero'));      expect(heroes.length).withContext('has heroes').toBeGreaterThan(0);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const hero = comp.heroes[0];      click(heroes[0]);      fixture.detectChanges();      const selected = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p'));      expect(selected).toHaveText(;    });    it('can access the instance variable of an `*ngFor` row component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const heroName = comp.heroes[0].name; // first hero's name      fixture.detectChanges();      const ngForRow = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(IoComponent)); // first hero ngForRow      const hero = ngForRow.context.hero; // the hero object passed into the row      expect('ngRow.context.hero').toBe(heroName);      const rowComp = ngForRow.componentInstance;      // jasmine.any is an "instance-of-type" test.      expect(rowComp).withContext('component is IoComp').toEqual(jasmine.any(IoComponent));      expect('component.hero').toBe(heroName);    });    it('should support clicking a button', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LightswitchComponent);      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent)        .withContext('before click')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('after click').toMatch(/is on/i);    });    // ngModel is async so we must wait for it with promise-based `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel)', waitForAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      fixture        .whenStable()        .then(() => {          expect(input.value)            .withContext(              `After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // simulate user entering new name in input          input.value = expectedNewName;          // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately          expect(            .withContext(              ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.          // then wait while ngModel pushes value to          input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));          return fixture.whenStable();        })        .then(() => {          expect(            .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)            .toBe(expectedNewName);        });    }));    // fakeAsync version of ngModel input test enables sync test style    // synchronous `tick` replaces asynchronous promise-base `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel) - fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      tick();      expect(input.value)        .withContext(`After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = expectedNewName;      // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately      expect(        .withContext(          ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,        )        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      expect(        .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)        .toBe(expectedNewName);    }));    it('ReversePipeComp should reverse the input text', fakeAsync(() => {      const inputText = 'the quick brown fox.';      const expectedText = '.xof nworb kciuq eht';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ReversePipeComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = inputText;      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to comp.text      // and Angular updates the output span      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('output span').toBe(expectedText);      expect(comp.text).withContext('component.text').toBe(inputText);    }));    // Use this technique to find attached directives of any kind    it('can examine attached directives and listeners', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));      expect(inputEl.providerTokens).withContext('NgModel directive').toContain(NgModel);      const ngControl = inputEl.injector.get(NgControl);      expect(ngControl).withContext('NgControl directive').toEqual(jasmine.any(NgControl));      expect(inputEl.listeners.length).withContext('several listeners attached').toBeGreaterThan(2);    });    it('BankAccountComponent should set attributes, styles, classes, and properties', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BankAccountParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      // the only child is debugElement of the BankAccount component      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const childComp = el.componentInstance as BankAccountComponent;      expect(childComp).toEqual(jasmine.any(BankAccountComponent));      expect(el.context).withContext('context is the child component').toBe(childComp);      expect(el.attributes['account']).withContext('account attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.attributes['bank']).withContext('bank attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.classes['closed']).withContext('closed class').toBe(true);      expect(el.classes['open']).withContext('open class').toBeFalsy();      expect(el.styles['color']).withContext('color style').toBe(comp.color);      expect(el.styles['width'])        .withContext('width style')        .toBe(comp.width + 'px');      // Removed on 12/02/2016 when ceased public discussion of the `Renderer`. Revive in future?      // expect(['customProperty']).toBe(true, 'customProperty');    });  });  describe('TestBed component overrides:', () => {    it("should override ChildComp's template", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [Child1Component],      })        .overrideComponent(Child1Component, {          set: {template: '<span>Fake</span>'},        })        .createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Fake');    });    it("should override TestProvidersComp's ValueService provider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          remove: {providers: [ValueService]},          add: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},          // Or replace them all (this component has only one provider)          // set:    { providers: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }] },        })        .createComponent(TestProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value', 'text');      // Explore the providerTokens      const tokens = fixture.debugElement.providerTokens;      expect(tokens).withContext('component ctor').toContain(fixture.componentInstance.constructor);      expect(tokens).withContext('TestProvidersComp').toContain(TestProvidersComponent);      expect(tokens).withContext('ValueService').toContain(ValueService);    });    it("should override TestViewProvidersComp's ValueService viewProvider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestViewProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent, {          // remove: { viewProviders: [ValueService]},          // add:    { viewProviders: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }]          // },          // Or replace them all (this component has only one viewProvider)          set: {viewProviders: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value');    });    it("injected provider should not be same as component's provider", () => {      // TestComponent is parent of TestProvidersComponent      @Component({        standalone: true,        template: '<my-service-comp></my-service-comp>',        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })      class TestComponent {}      // 3 levels of ValueService provider: module, TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent],        providers: [ValueService],      })        .overrideComponent(TestComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useValue: {}}]},        })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestComponent);      let testBedProvider!: ValueService;      // `inject` uses TestBed's injector      inject([ValueService], (s: ValueService) => (testBedProvider = s))();      const tcProvider = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ValueService) as ValueService;      const tpcProvider = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(        ValueService,      ) as FakeValueService;      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tc not same providers').not.toBe(tcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tpc not same providers').not.toBe(tpcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider instanceof ValueService)        .withContext('testBedProvider is ValueService')        .toBe(true);      expect(tcProvider)        .withContext('tcProvider is {}')        .toEqual({} as ValueService);      expect(tpcProvider instanceof FakeValueService)        .withContext('tpcProvider is FakeValueService')        .toBe(true);    });    it('can access template local variables as references', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [          ShellComponent,          NeedsContentComponent,          Child1Component,          Child2Component,          Child3Component,        ],      })        .overrideComponent(ShellComponent, {          set: {            selector: 'test-shell',            imports: [NeedsContentComponent, Child1Component, Child2Component, Child3Component],            template: `          <needs-content #nc>            <child-1 #content text="My"></child-1>            <child-2 #content text="dog"></child-2>            <child-2 text="has"></child-2>            <child-3 #content text="fleas"></child-3>            <div #content>!</div>          </needs-content>          `,          },        })        .createComponent(ShellComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      // NeedsContentComp is the child of ShellComp      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const comp = el.componentInstance;      expect(comp.children.toArray().length)        .withContext('three different child components and an ElementRef with #content')        .toBe(4);      expect(el.references['nc']).withContext('#nc reference to component').toBe(comp);      // Filter for DebugElements with a #content reference      const contentRefs = el.queryAll((de) => de.references['content']);      expect(contentRefs.length).withContext('elements w/ a #content reference').toBe(4);    });  });  describe('nested (one-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildComponent]},      });    });    it('ParentComp should use Fake Child component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child)');    });  });  describe('nested (two-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent]},      });    });    it('should use Fake Grandchild component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child(Fake Grandchild))');    });  });  describe('lifecycle hooks w/ MyIfParentComp', () => {    let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyIfParentComponent>;    let parent: MyIfParentComponent;    let child: MyIfChildComponent;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [FormsModule, MyIfChildComponent, MyIfParentComponent],      });      fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfParentComponent);      parent = fixture.componentInstance;    });    it('should instantiate parent component', () => {      expect(parent).withContext('parent component should exist').not.toBeNull();    });    it('parent component OnInit should NOT be called before first detectChanges()', () => {      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(false);    });    it('parent component OnInit should be called after first detectChanges()', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component should exist after OnInit', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child instanceof MyIfChildComponent)        .withContext('should create child')        .toBe(true);    });    it("should have called child component's OnInit ", () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component called OnChanges once', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toBe(1);    });    it('changed parent value flows to child', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      parent.parentValue = 'foo';      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)        .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')        .toBe(2);      expect(child.childValue).withContext('childValue should eq changed parent value').toBe('foo');    });    // must be async test to see child flow to parent    it('changed child value flows to parent', waitForAsync(() => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      child.childValue = 'bar';      return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {        // Wait one JS engine turn!        setTimeout(() => resolve(), 0);      }).then(() => {        fixture.detectChanges();        expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)          .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')          .toBe(2);        expect(parent.parentValue)          .withContext('parentValue should eq changed parent value')          .toBe('bar');      });    }));    it('clicking "Close Child" triggers child OnDestroy', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnDestroyCalled).toBe(true);    });    ////// helpers ///    /**     * Get the MyIfChildComp from parent; fail w/ good message if cannot.     */    function getChild() {      let childDe: DebugElement; // DebugElement that should hold the MyIfChildComp      // The Hard Way: requires detailed knowledge of the parent template      try {        childDe = fixture.debugElement.children[4].children[0];      } catch (err) {        /* we'll report the error */      }      // DebugElement.queryAll: if we wanted all of many instances:      childDe = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      )[0];      // WE'LL USE THIS APPROACH !      // DebugElement.query: find first instance (if any)      childDe = fixture.debugElement.query(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      );      if (childDe && childDe.componentInstance) {        child = childDe.componentInstance;      } else {        fail('Unable to find MyIfChildComp within MyIfParentComp');      }      return child;    }  });});////////// Fakes ///////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  template: 'Fake Child',})class FakeChildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'grandchild-1',  template: 'Fake Grandchild',})class FakeGrandchildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  imports: [FakeGrandchildComponent],  template: 'Fake Child(<grandchild-1></grandchild-1>)',})class FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent {}@Injectable()class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked value';}

The test consumes that spy in the same way it did earlier.

import {Component, DebugElement, Injectable} from '@angular/core';import {  ComponentFixture,  fakeAsync,  inject,  TestBed,  tick,  waitForAsync,} from '@angular/core/testing';import {FormsModule, NgControl, NgModel} from '@angular/forms';import {By} from '@angular/platform-browser';import {addMatchers, click} from '../../testing';import {  BankAccountComponent,  BankAccountParentComponent,  Child1Component,  Child2Component,  Child3Component,  ExternalTemplateComponent,  InputComponent,  IoComponent,  IoParentComponent,  LightswitchComponent,  MasterService,  MyIfChildComponent,  MyIfComponent,  MyIfParentComponent,  NeedsContentComponent,  ParentComponent,  ReversePipeComponent,  ShellComponent,  TestProvidersComponent,  TestViewProvidersComponent,  ValueService,} from './demo';export class NotProvided extends ValueService {  /* example below */}beforeEach(addMatchers);describe('demo (with TestBed):', () => {  ////////  Service Tests  /////////////  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);    });    it('should use ValueService', () => {      service = TestBed.inject(ValueService);      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('can inject a default value when service is not provided', () => {      expect(TestBed.inject(NotProvided, null)).toBeNull();    });    it('test should wait for ValueService.getPromiseValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => expect(value).toBe('promise value'));    }));    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableValue', waitForAsync(() => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => expect(value).toBe('observable value'));    }));    // Must use done. See    it('test should wait for ValueService.getObservableDelayValue', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableDelayValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable delay value');        done();      });    });    it('should allow the use of fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      let value: any;      service.getPromiseValue().then((val: any) => (value = val));      tick(); // Trigger JS engine cycle until all promises resolve.      expect(value).toBe('promise value');    }));  });  describe('MasterService', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    let valueServiceSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    beforeEach(() => {      const spy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        // Provide both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency        providers: [MasterService, {provide: ValueService, useValue: spy}],      });      // Inject both the service-to-test and its (spy) dependency      masterService = TestBed.inject(MasterService);      valueServiceSpy = TestBed.inject(ValueService) as jasmine.SpyObj<ValueService>;    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('use inject within `it`', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    it('should use modified providers', inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {      service.setValue('value modified in beforeEach');      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('value modified in beforeEach');    }));  });  describe('using waitForAsync(inject) within beforeEach', () => {    let serviceValue: string;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({providers: [ValueService]});    });    beforeEach(waitForAsync(      inject([ValueService], (service: ValueService) => {        service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => (serviceValue = value));      }),    ));    it('should use asynchronously modified value ... in synchronous test', () => {      expect(serviceValue).toBe('promise value');    });  });  /////////// Component Tests //////////////////  describe('TestBed component tests', () => {    // beforeEach(waitForAsync(() => {    //   TestBed.configureTestingModule()    //     // Compile everything in DemoModule    //     .compileComponents();    // }));    it('should create a component with inline template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Child');    });    it('should create a component with external template', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ExternalTemplateComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('from external template');    });    it('should allow changing members of the component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf()');      fixture.componentInstance.showMore = true;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('MyIf(More)');    });    it('should create a nested component bound to inputs/outputs', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const heroes = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(By.css('.hero'));      expect(heroes.length).withContext('has heroes').toBeGreaterThan(0);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const hero = comp.heroes[0];      click(heroes[0]);      fixture.detectChanges();      const selected = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('p'));      expect(selected).toHaveText(;    });    it('can access the instance variable of an `*ngFor` row component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(IoParentComponent);      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const heroName = comp.heroes[0].name; // first hero's name      fixture.detectChanges();      const ngForRow = fixture.debugElement.query(By.directive(IoComponent)); // first hero ngForRow      const hero = ngForRow.context.hero; // the hero object passed into the row      expect('ngRow.context.hero').toBe(heroName);      const rowComp = ngForRow.componentInstance;      // jasmine.any is an "instance-of-type" test.      expect(rowComp).withContext('component is IoComp').toEqual(jasmine.any(IoComponent));      expect('component.hero').toBe(heroName);    });    it('should support clicking a button', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(LightswitchComponent);      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement;      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent)        .withContext('before click')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('after click').toMatch(/is on/i);    });    // ngModel is async so we must wait for it with promise-based `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel)', waitForAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      fixture        .whenStable()        .then(() => {          expect(input.value)            .withContext(              `After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // simulate user entering new name in input          input.value = expectedNewName;          // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately          expect(            .withContext(              ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,            )            .toBe(expectedOrigName);          // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.          // then wait while ngModel pushes value to          input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));          return fixture.whenStable();        })        .then(() => {          expect(            .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)            .toBe(expectedNewName);        });    }));    // fakeAsync version of ngModel input test enables sync test style    // synchronous `tick` replaces asynchronous promise-base `whenStable`    it('should support entering text in input box (ngModel) - fakeAsync', fakeAsync(() => {      const expectedOrigName = 'John';      const expectedNewName = 'Sally';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      expect(        .withContext(`At start name should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // wait until ngModel binds to input box      tick();      expect(input.value)        .withContext(`After ngModel updates input box, input.value should be ${expectedOrigName} `)        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = expectedNewName;      // that change doesn't flow to the component immediately      expect(        .withContext(          ` should still be ${expectedOrigName} after value change, before binding happens`,        )        .toBe(expectedOrigName);      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      expect(        .withContext(`After ngModel updates the model, should be ${expectedNewName} `)        .toBe(expectedNewName);    }));    it('ReversePipeComp should reverse the input text', fakeAsync(() => {      const inputText = 'the quick brown fox.';      const expectedText = '.xof nworb kciuq eht';      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ReversePipeComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      const input = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input')).nativeElement as HTMLInputElement;      const span = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('span')).nativeElement as HTMLElement;      // simulate user entering new name in input      input.value = inputText;      // Dispatch a DOM event so that Angular learns of input value change.      // then wait a tick while ngModel pushes value to comp.text      // and Angular updates the output span      input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));      tick();      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(span.textContent).withContext('output span').toBe(expectedText);      expect(comp.text).withContext('component.text').toBe(inputText);    }));    // Use this technique to find attached directives of any kind    it('can examine attached directives and listeners', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(InputComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const inputEl = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('input'));      expect(inputEl.providerTokens).withContext('NgModel directive').toContain(NgModel);      const ngControl = inputEl.injector.get(NgControl);      expect(ngControl).withContext('NgControl directive').toEqual(jasmine.any(NgControl));      expect(inputEl.listeners.length).withContext('several listeners attached').toBeGreaterThan(2);    });    it('BankAccountComponent should set attributes, styles, classes, and properties', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BankAccountParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      const comp = fixture.componentInstance;      // the only child is debugElement of the BankAccount component      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const childComp = el.componentInstance as BankAccountComponent;      expect(childComp).toEqual(jasmine.any(BankAccountComponent));      expect(el.context).withContext('context is the child component').toBe(childComp);      expect(el.attributes['account']).withContext('account attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.attributes['bank']).withContext('bank attribute').toBe(;      expect(el.classes['closed']).withContext('closed class').toBe(true);      expect(el.classes['open']).withContext('open class').toBeFalsy();      expect(el.styles['color']).withContext('color style').toBe(comp.color);      expect(el.styles['width'])        .withContext('width style')        .toBe(comp.width + 'px');      // Removed on 12/02/2016 when ceased public discussion of the `Renderer`. Revive in future?      // expect(['customProperty']).toBe(true, 'customProperty');    });  });  describe('TestBed component overrides:', () => {    it("should override ChildComp's template", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [Child1Component],      })        .overrideComponent(Child1Component, {          set: {template: '<span>Fake</span>'},        })        .createComponent(Child1Component);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Fake');    });    it("should override TestProvidersComp's ValueService provider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          remove: {providers: [ValueService]},          add: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},          // Or replace them all (this component has only one provider)          // set:    { providers: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }] },        })        .createComponent(TestProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value', 'text');      // Explore the providerTokens      const tokens = fixture.debugElement.providerTokens;      expect(tokens).withContext('component ctor').toContain(fixture.componentInstance.constructor);      expect(tokens).withContext('TestProvidersComp').toContain(TestProvidersComponent);      expect(tokens).withContext('ValueService').toContain(ValueService);    });    it("should override TestViewProvidersComp's ValueService viewProvider", () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestViewProvidersComponent],      })        .overrideComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent, {          // remove: { viewProviders: [ValueService]},          // add:    { viewProviders: [{ provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService }]          // },          // Or replace them all (this component has only one viewProvider)          set: {viewProviders: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestViewProvidersComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('injected value: faked value');    });    it("injected provider should not be same as component's provider", () => {      // TestComponent is parent of TestProvidersComponent      @Component({        standalone: true,        template: '<my-service-comp></my-service-comp>',        imports: [TestProvidersComponent],      })      class TestComponent {}      // 3 levels of ValueService provider: module, TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [TestComponent, TestProvidersComponent],        providers: [ValueService],      })        .overrideComponent(TestComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useValue: {}}]},        })        .overrideComponent(TestProvidersComponent, {          set: {providers: [{provide: ValueService, useClass: FakeValueService}]},        })        .createComponent(TestComponent);      let testBedProvider!: ValueService;      // `inject` uses TestBed's injector      inject([ValueService], (s: ValueService) => (testBedProvider = s))();      const tcProvider = fixture.debugElement.injector.get(ValueService) as ValueService;      const tpcProvider = fixture.debugElement.children[0].injector.get(        ValueService,      ) as FakeValueService;      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tc not same providers').not.toBe(tcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider).withContext('testBed/tpc not same providers').not.toBe(tpcProvider);      expect(testBedProvider instanceof ValueService)        .withContext('testBedProvider is ValueService')        .toBe(true);      expect(tcProvider)        .withContext('tcProvider is {}')        .toEqual({} as ValueService);      expect(tpcProvider instanceof FakeValueService)        .withContext('tpcProvider is FakeValueService')        .toBe(true);    });    it('can access template local variables as references', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [          ShellComponent,          NeedsContentComponent,          Child1Component,          Child2Component,          Child3Component,        ],      })        .overrideComponent(ShellComponent, {          set: {            selector: 'test-shell',            imports: [NeedsContentComponent, Child1Component, Child2Component, Child3Component],            template: `          <needs-content #nc>            <child-1 #content text="My"></child-1>            <child-2 #content text="dog"></child-2>            <child-2 text="has"></child-2>            <child-3 #content text="fleas"></child-3>            <div #content>!</div>          </needs-content>          `,          },        })        .createComponent(ShellComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      // NeedsContentComp is the child of ShellComp      const el = fixture.debugElement.children[0];      const comp = el.componentInstance;      expect(comp.children.toArray().length)        .withContext('three different child components and an ElementRef with #content')        .toBe(4);      expect(el.references['nc']).withContext('#nc reference to component').toBe(comp);      // Filter for DebugElements with a #content reference      const contentRefs = el.queryAll((de) => de.references['content']);      expect(contentRefs.length).withContext('elements w/ a #content reference').toBe(4);    });  });  describe('nested (one-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildComponent]},      });    });    it('ParentComp should use Fake Child component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child)');    });  });  describe('nested (two-deep) component override', () => {    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [ParentComponent, FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent],      }).overrideComponent(ParentComponent, {        set: {imports: [FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent, FakeGrandchildComponent]},      });    });    it('should use Fake Grandchild component', () => {      const fixture = TestBed.createComponent(ParentComponent);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(fixture).toHaveText('Parent(Fake Child(Fake Grandchild))');    });  });  describe('lifecycle hooks w/ MyIfParentComp', () => {    let fixture: ComponentFixture<MyIfParentComponent>;    let parent: MyIfParentComponent;    let child: MyIfChildComponent;    beforeEach(() => {      TestBed.configureTestingModule({        imports: [FormsModule, MyIfChildComponent, MyIfParentComponent],      });      fixture = TestBed.createComponent(MyIfParentComponent);      parent = fixture.componentInstance;    });    it('should instantiate parent component', () => {      expect(parent).withContext('parent component should exist').not.toBeNull();    });    it('parent component OnInit should NOT be called before first detectChanges()', () => {      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(false);    });    it('parent component OnInit should be called after first detectChanges()', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(parent.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component should exist after OnInit', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child instanceof MyIfChildComponent)        .withContext('should create child')        .toBe(true);    });    it("should have called child component's OnInit ", () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnInitCalled).toBe(true);    });    it('child component called OnChanges once', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter).toBe(1);    });    it('changed parent value flows to child', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      parent.parentValue = 'foo';      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)        .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')        .toBe(2);      expect(child.childValue).withContext('childValue should eq changed parent value').toBe('foo');    });    // must be async test to see child flow to parent    it('changed child value flows to parent', waitForAsync(() => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      child.childValue = 'bar';      return new Promise<void>((resolve) => {        // Wait one JS engine turn!        setTimeout(() => resolve(), 0);      }).then(() => {        fixture.detectChanges();        expect(child.ngOnChangesCounter)          .withContext('expected 2 changes: initial value and changed value')          .toBe(2);        expect(parent.parentValue)          .withContext('parentValue should eq changed parent value')          .toBe('bar');      });    }));    it('clicking "Close Child" triggers child OnDestroy', () => {      fixture.detectChanges();      getChild();      const btn = fixture.debugElement.query(By.css('button'));      click(btn);      fixture.detectChanges();      expect(child.ngOnDestroyCalled).toBe(true);    });    ////// helpers ///    /**     * Get the MyIfChildComp from parent; fail w/ good message if cannot.     */    function getChild() {      let childDe: DebugElement; // DebugElement that should hold the MyIfChildComp      // The Hard Way: requires detailed knowledge of the parent template      try {        childDe = fixture.debugElement.children[4].children[0];      } catch (err) {        /* we'll report the error */      }      // DebugElement.queryAll: if we wanted all of many instances:      childDe = fixture.debugElement.queryAll(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      )[0];      // WE'LL USE THIS APPROACH !      // DebugElement.query: find first instance (if any)      childDe = fixture.debugElement.query(        (de) => de.componentInstance instanceof MyIfChildComponent,      );      if (childDe && childDe.componentInstance) {        child = childDe.componentInstance;      } else {        fail('Unable to find MyIfChildComp within MyIfParentComp');      }      return child;    }  });});////////// Fakes ///////////@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  template: 'Fake Child',})class FakeChildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'grandchild-1',  template: 'Fake Grandchild',})class FakeGrandchildComponent {}@Component({  standalone: true,  selector: 'child-1',  imports: [FakeGrandchildComponent],  template: 'Fake Child(<grandchild-1></grandchild-1>)',})class FakeChildWithGrandchildComponent {}@Injectable()class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked value';}

Testing without beforeEach()

Most test suites in this guide call beforeEach() to set the preconditions for each it() test and rely on the TestBed to create classes and inject services.

There's another school of testing that never calls beforeEach() and prefers to create classes explicitly rather than use the TestBed.

Here's how you might rewrite one of the MasterService tests in that style.

Begin by putting re-usable, preparatory code in a setup function instead of beforeEach().

app/demo/demo.spec.ts (setup)

import {LightswitchComponent, MasterService, ValueService, ReversePipe} from './demo';///////// Fakes /////////export class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked service value';}////////////////////////describe('demo (no TestBed):', () => {  // Straight Jasmine testing without Angular's testing support  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      service = new ValueService();    });    it('#getValue should return real value', () => {      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getObservableValue should return value from observable', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable value');        done();      });    });    it('#getPromiseValue should return value from a promise', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('promise value');        done();      });    });  });  // MasterService requires injection of a ValueService  describe('MasterService without Angular testing support', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    it('#getValue should return real value from the real service', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new ValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fakeService', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new FakeValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('faked service value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fake object', () => {      const fake = {getValue: () => 'fake value'};      masterService = new MasterService(fake as ValueService);      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('fake value');    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      // create `getValue` spy on an object representing the ValueService      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      // set the value to return when the `getValue` spy is called.      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('MasterService (no beforeEach)', () => {    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy} = setup();      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });    function setup() {      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      const stubValue = 'stub value';      const masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      return {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy};    }  });  describe('ReversePipe', () => {    let pipe: ReversePipe;    beforeEach(() => {      pipe = new ReversePipe();    });    it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {      expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');    });    it('no change to palindrome: "able was I ere I saw elba"', () => {      const palindrome = 'able was I ere I saw elba';      expect(pipe.transform(palindrome)).toBe(palindrome);    });  });  describe('LightswitchComp', () => {    it('#clicked() should toggle #isOn', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off at first').toBe(false);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('on after click').toBe(true);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off after second click').toBe(false);    });    it('#clicked() should set #message to "is on"', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.message)        .withContext('off at first')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.message).withContext('on after clicked').toMatch(/is on/i);    });  });});

The setup() function returns an object literal with the variables, such as masterService, that a test might reference. You don't define semi-global variables (for example, let masterService: MasterService) in the body of the describe().

Then each test invokes setup() in its first line, before continuing with steps that manipulate the test subject and assert expectations.

import {LightswitchComponent, MasterService, ValueService, ReversePipe} from './demo';///////// Fakes /////////export class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked service value';}////////////////////////describe('demo (no TestBed):', () => {  // Straight Jasmine testing without Angular's testing support  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      service = new ValueService();    });    it('#getValue should return real value', () => {      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getObservableValue should return value from observable', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable value');        done();      });    });    it('#getPromiseValue should return value from a promise', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('promise value');        done();      });    });  });  // MasterService requires injection of a ValueService  describe('MasterService without Angular testing support', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    it('#getValue should return real value from the real service', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new ValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fakeService', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new FakeValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('faked service value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fake object', () => {      const fake = {getValue: () => 'fake value'};      masterService = new MasterService(fake as ValueService);      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('fake value');    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      // create `getValue` spy on an object representing the ValueService      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      // set the value to return when the `getValue` spy is called.      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('MasterService (no beforeEach)', () => {    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy} = setup();      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });    function setup() {      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      const stubValue = 'stub value';      const masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      return {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy};    }  });  describe('ReversePipe', () => {    let pipe: ReversePipe;    beforeEach(() => {      pipe = new ReversePipe();    });    it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {      expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');    });    it('no change to palindrome: "able was I ere I saw elba"', () => {      const palindrome = 'able was I ere I saw elba';      expect(pipe.transform(palindrome)).toBe(palindrome);    });  });  describe('LightswitchComp', () => {    it('#clicked() should toggle #isOn', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off at first').toBe(false);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('on after click').toBe(true);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off after second click').toBe(false);    });    it('#clicked() should set #message to "is on"', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.message)        .withContext('off at first')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.message).withContext('on after clicked').toMatch(/is on/i);    });  });});

Notice how the test uses destructuring assignment to extract the setup variables that it needs.

import {LightswitchComponent, MasterService, ValueService, ReversePipe} from './demo';///////// Fakes /////////export class FakeValueService extends ValueService {  override value = 'faked service value';}////////////////////////describe('demo (no TestBed):', () => {  // Straight Jasmine testing without Angular's testing support  describe('ValueService', () => {    let service: ValueService;    beforeEach(() => {      service = new ValueService();    });    it('#getValue should return real value', () => {      expect(service.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getObservableValue should return value from observable', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getObservableValue().subscribe((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('observable value');        done();      });    });    it('#getPromiseValue should return value from a promise', (done: DoneFn) => {      service.getPromiseValue().then((value) => {        expect(value).toBe('promise value');        done();      });    });  });  // MasterService requires injection of a ValueService  describe('MasterService without Angular testing support', () => {    let masterService: MasterService;    it('#getValue should return real value from the real service', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new ValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('real value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fakeService', () => {      masterService = new MasterService(new FakeValueService());      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('faked service value');    });    it('#getValue should return faked value from a fake object', () => {      const fake = {getValue: () => 'fake value'};      masterService = new MasterService(fake as ValueService);      expect(masterService.getValue()).toBe('fake value');    });    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      // create `getValue` spy on an object representing the ValueService      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      // set the value to return when the `getValue` spy is called.      const stubValue = 'stub value';      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });  });  describe('MasterService (no beforeEach)', () => {    it('#getValue should return stubbed value from a spy', () => {      const {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy} = setup();      expect(masterService.getValue()).withContext('service returned stub value').toBe(stubValue);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.count())        .withContext('spy method was called once')        .toBe(1);      expect(valueServiceSpy.getValue.calls.mostRecent().returnValue).toBe(stubValue);    });    function setup() {      const valueServiceSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('ValueService', ['getValue']);      const stubValue = 'stub value';      const masterService = new MasterService(valueServiceSpy);      valueServiceSpy.getValue.and.returnValue(stubValue);      return {masterService, stubValue, valueServiceSpy};    }  });  describe('ReversePipe', () => {    let pipe: ReversePipe;    beforeEach(() => {      pipe = new ReversePipe();    });    it('transforms "abc" to "cba"', () => {      expect(pipe.transform('abc')).toBe('cba');    });    it('no change to palindrome: "able was I ere I saw elba"', () => {      const palindrome = 'able was I ere I saw elba';      expect(pipe.transform(palindrome)).toBe(palindrome);    });  });  describe('LightswitchComp', () => {    it('#clicked() should toggle #isOn', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off at first').toBe(false);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('on after click').toBe(true);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.isOn).withContext('off after second click').toBe(false);    });    it('#clicked() should set #message to "is on"', () => {      const comp = new LightswitchComponent();      expect(comp.message)        .withContext('off at first')        .toMatch(/is off/i);      comp.clicked();      expect(comp.message).withContext('on after clicked').toMatch(/is on/i);    });  });});

Many developers feel this approach is cleaner and more explicit than the traditional beforeEach() style.

Although this testing guide follows the traditional style and the default CLI schematics generate test files with beforeEach() and TestBed, feel free to adopt this alternative approach in your own projects.

Testing HTTP services

Data services that make HTTP calls to remote servers typically inject and delegate to the Angular HttpClient service for XHR calls.

You can test a data service with an injected HttpClient spy as you would test any service with a dependency.

app/model/hero.service.spec.ts (tests with spies)

import {HttpClientTestingModule, HttpTestingController} from '@angular/common/http/testing';// Other importsimport {TestBed} from '@angular/core/testing';import {HttpClient, HttpResponse, HttpErrorResponse} from '@angular/common/http';import {asyncData, asyncError} from '../../testing/async-observable-helpers';import {Hero} from './hero';import {HeroService} from './hero.service';describe('HeroesService (with spies)', () => {  let httpClientSpy: jasmine.SpyObj<HttpClient>;  let heroService: HeroService;  beforeEach(() => {    // TODO: spy on other methods too    httpClientSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('HttpClient', ['get']);    heroService = new HeroService(httpClientSpy);  });  it('should return expected heroes (HttpClient called once)', (done: DoneFn) => {    const expectedHeroes: Hero[] = [      {id: 1, name: 'A'},      {id: 2, name: 'B'},    ];    httpClientSpy.get.and.returnValue(asyncData(expectedHeroes));    heroService.getHeroes().subscribe({      next: (heroes) => {        expect(heroes).withContext('expected heroes').toEqual(expectedHeroes);        done();      },      error:,    });    expect(httpClientSpy.get.calls.count()).withContext('one call').toBe(1);  });  it('should return an error when the server returns a 404', (done: DoneFn) => {    const errorResponse = new HttpErrorResponse({      error: 'test 404 error',      status: 404,      statusText: 'Not Found',    });    httpClientSpy.get.and.returnValue(asyncError(errorResponse));    heroService.getHeroes().subscribe({      next: (heroes) =>'expected an error, not heroes'),      error: (error) => {        expect(error.message).toContain('test 404 error');        done();      },    });  });});describe('HeroesService (with mocks)', () => {  let httpClient: HttpClient;  let httpTestingController: HttpTestingController;  let heroService: HeroService;  beforeEach(() => {    TestBed.configureTestingModule({      // Import the HttpClient mocking services      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule],      // Provide the service-under-test      providers: [HeroService],    });    // Inject the http, test controller, and service-under-test    // as they will be referenced by each test.    httpClient = TestBed.inject(HttpClient);    httpTestingController = TestBed.inject(HttpTestingController);    heroService = TestBed.inject(HeroService);  });  afterEach(() => {    // After every test, assert that there are no more pending requests.    httpTestingController.verify();  });  /// HeroService method tests begin ///  describe('#getHeroes', () => {    let expectedHeroes: Hero[];    beforeEach(() => {      heroService = TestBed.inject(HeroService);      expectedHeroes = [        {id: 1, name: 'A'},        {id: 2, name: 'B'},      ] as Hero[];    });    it('should return expected heroes (called once)', () => {      heroService.getHeroes().subscribe({        next: (heroes) =>          expect(heroes).withContext('should return expected heroes').toEqual(expectedHeroes),        error: fail,      });      // HeroService should have made one request to GET heroes from expected URL      const req = httpTestingController.expectOne(heroService.heroesUrl);      expect(req.request.method).toEqual('GET');      // Respond with the mock heroes      req.flush(expectedHeroes);    });    it('should be OK returning no heroes', () => {      heroService.getHeroes().subscribe({        next: (heroes) =>          expect(heroes.length).withContext('should have empty heroes array').toEqual(0),        error: fail,      });      const req = httpTestingController.expectOne(heroService.heroesUrl);      req.flush([]); // Respond with no heroes    });    it('should turn 404 into a user-friendly error', () => {      const msg = 'Deliberate 404';      heroService.getHeroes().subscribe({        next: (heroes) => fail('expected to fail'),        error: (error) => expect(error.message).toContain(msg),      });      const req = httpTestingController.expectOne(heroService.heroesUrl);      // respond with a 404 and the error message in the body      req.flush(msg, {status: 404, statusText: 'Not Found'});    });    it('should return expected heroes (called multiple times)', () => {      heroService.getHeroes().subscribe();      heroService.getHeroes().subscribe();      heroService.getHeroes().subscribe({        next: (heroes) =>          expect(heroes).withContext('should return expected heroes').toEqual(expectedHeroes),        error: fail,      });      const requests = httpTestingController.match(heroService.heroesUrl);      expect(requests.length).withContext('calls to getHeroes()').toEqual(3);      // Respond to each request with different mock hero results      requests[0].flush([]);      requests[1].flush([{id: 1, name: 'bob'}]);      requests[2].flush(expectedHeroes);    });  });  describe('#updateHero', () => {    // Expecting the query form of URL so should not 404 when id not found    const makeUrl = (id: number) => `${heroService.heroesUrl}/?id=${id}`;    it('should update a hero and return it', () => {      const updateHero: Hero = {id: 1, name: 'A'};      heroService.updateHero(updateHero).subscribe({        next: (data) => expect(data).withContext('should return the hero').toEqual(updateHero),        error: fail,      });      // HeroService should have made one request to PUT hero      const req = httpTestingController.expectOne(heroService.heroesUrl);      expect(req.request.method).toEqual('PUT');      expect(req.request.body).toEqual(updateHero);      // Expect server to return the hero after PUT      const expectedResponse = new HttpResponse({        status: 200,        statusText: 'OK',        body: updateHero,      });      req.event(expectedResponse);    });    it('should turn 404 error into user-facing error', () => {      const msg = 'Deliberate 404';      const updateHero: Hero = {id: 1, name: 'A'};      heroService.updateHero(updateHero).subscribe({        next: (heroes) => fail('expected to fail'),        error: (error) => expect(error.message).toContain(msg),      });      const req = httpTestingController.expectOne(heroService.heroesUrl);      // respond with a 404 and the error message in the body      req.flush(msg, {status: 404, statusText: 'Not Found'});    });    it('should turn network error into user-facing error', (done) => {      // Create mock ProgressEvent with type `error`, raised when something goes wrong at      // the network level. Connection timeout, DNS error, offline, etc.      const errorEvent = new ProgressEvent('error');      const updateHero: Hero = {id: 1, name: 'A'};      heroService.updateHero(updateHero).subscribe({        next: (heroes) => fail('expected to fail'),        error: (error) => {          expect(error).toBe(errorEvent);          done();        },      });      const req = httpTestingController.expectOne(heroService.heroesUrl);      // Respond with mock error      req.error(errorEvent);    });  });  // TODO: test other HeroService methods});

IMPORTANT: The HeroService methods return Observables. You must subscribe to an observable to (a) cause it to execute and (b) assert that the method succeeds or fails.

The subscribe() method takes a success (next) and fail (error) callback. Make sure you provide both callbacks so that you capture errors. Neglecting to do so produces an asynchronous uncaught observable error that the test runner will likely attribute to a completely different test.


Extended interactions between a data service and the HttpClient can be complex and difficult to mock with spies.

The HttpClientTestingModule can make these testing scenarios more manageable.

While the code sample accompanying this guide demonstrates HttpClientTestingModule, this page defers to the Http guide, which covers testing with the HttpClientTestingModule in detail.