• Overview


Type Alias

A function that is called to resolve a collection of lazy-loaded routes. Must be an arrow function of the following form: () => import('...').then(mod => mod.MODULE) or () => import('...').then(mod => mod.ROUTES)


    type LoadChildrenCallback = () =>  | Type<any>  | NgModuleFactory<any>  | Routes  | Observable<Type<any> | Routes | DefaultExport<Type<any>> | DefaultExport<Routes>>  | Promise<      NgModuleFactory<any> | Type<any> | Routes | DefaultExport<Type<any>> | DefaultExport<Routes>    >


A function that is called to resolve a collection of lazy-loaded routes. Must be an arrow function of the following form: () => import('...').then(mod => mod.MODULE) or () => import('...').then(mod => mod.ROUTES)

For example:

[{  path: 'lazy',  loadChildren: () => import('./lazy-route/lazy.module').then(mod => mod.LazyModule),}];


[{  path: 'lazy',  loadChildren: () => import('./lazy-route/lazy.routes').then(mod => mod.ROUTES),}];

If the lazy-loaded routes are exported via a default export, the .then can be omitted:

[{  path: 'lazy',  loadChildren: () => import('./lazy-route/lazy.routes'),}];
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