Transforms Object or Map into an array of key value pairs.
7 overloads@paraminput
ReadonlyMap<K, V>
KeyValue<K, V>[]
Record<K, V>
KeyValue<string, V>[]
Record<K, V> | ReadonlyMap<K, V>
KeyValue<K, V>[]
null | undefined
((a: KeyValue<unknown, unknown>, b: KeyValue<unknown, unknown>) => number) | null | undefined
ReadonlyMap<K, V> | null | undefined
KeyValue<K, V>[] | null
Record<K, V> | null | undefined
KeyValue<string, V>[] | null
Transforms Object or Map into an array of key value pairs.
The output array will be ordered by keys.
By default the comparator will be by Unicode point value.
You can optionally pass a compareFn if your keys are complex types.
Passing null
as the compareFn will use natural ordering of the input.
Exported by
Usage Notes
This examples show how an Object or a Map can be iterated by ngFor with the use of this keyvalue pipe.
@Component({ selector: 'keyvalue-pipe', template: `<span> <p>Object</p> <div *ngFor="let item of object | keyvalue">{{ item.key }}:{{ item.value }}</div> <p>Map</p> <div *ngFor="let item of map | keyvalue">{{ item.key }}:{{ item.value }}</div> <p>Natural order</p> <div *ngFor="let item of map | keyvalue: null">{{ item.key }}:{{ item.value }}</div> </span>`, standalone: false,})export class KeyValuePipeComponent { object: {[key: number]: string} = {2: 'foo', 1: 'bar'}; map = new Map([ [2, 'foo'], [1, 'bar'], ]);}
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